Alla Hjärtans Dag

Vill önska  en speciell person en riktig trevlig alla hjärtans dag

To My Special Someone


My fantasy...

is to spend the night in your arms,

to be there waiting for you every day,

to hug you,

to show you how much i have missed you,

to snuggle with you by the fireplace when the wintertime is here,

or under the stars and moonlight on warm summer nights,

to be able to share all my emotions with you,

to love you more and more with every passing day.

I want to fall asleep lying right next to you

and know that when i awaken you'll be right there,too.

When i'm troubled , i want to know you'll be there to help see me through,

and i want you to know that when you need me...

I'll always be here for you!

Skickar dikten till en speciell person   


Jag tänker skicka till alla andra jag känner en trevlig alla hjärtans dag









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